My Best Life for 2023…

Bring More Clarity., More Focus and More Wins for the next year.

The 2023 Planner we created for go-getters who want to stay focused, stay accountable and make a huge shift within their lives over the next year.

Is this you?…

You’re busy, caught up in the everyday mundane stuff that you often forget about other things like your dreams, your goals, your relationships, and most importantly your health & well-being among many other aspects of your life. And you’ve got a lot going on in both life & within your career &/or business. S often times you find yourself feeling like you’re running on a treadmill working every day but not getting anywhere. You feel busy but not productive. You get to the end of the day and feel unclear on what you accomplished that really mattered. And you’re health, you’re finances and you’re relationships are suffering because of it.

Perhaps you find yourself at a loss between the big goals you set and the daily actions that will get you there. Or, maybe you’re focusing on too many things at once — leaving you feeling overwhelmed and busy, instead of streamlined and effective?

If so, you’re not alone. While we’re firm believers in spiritual aspects of our lives such as the power of now and following our intuition… We also know nothing is feasible without a steady system & structure to follow.

The Juicy Inside Contents

The ‘My Best Life’ 2023 toolkit to designing, creating and living your best life for 2023 is a powerful yearly planner and accessible mentor which assists you to identify and focus on your most important goals and create a simple yet very effective way to break down your goals into achievable action steps that are easy to follow.

Along with a snippet of exclusive content from our Blueprint Activities and LYBL mentorship programs among the pages it is sure to bring the best out of you each and every day, and have you living a very different life a year from now (your very best life, maybe?)

Take a quick look a the quick sneak peak of the type of content you’ll find inside clicking through the pages below.

flip the planner below to see whats inside

We originally had called it the ‘my best life’ 2023 planner, but when we realised that what we had created had become so much more than just a boring old planner, and more like a mentor holding your hand with such ease throughout the entire year we decided to remove the word and just leave it as’ MY BEST LIFE’ – 2023.

This is because in between the pages of planning – you’ll find juicy best lifer activities based around our wheel of life segments and monthly focuses, creating the most streamlined and effective structure you can easily follow along to truly creating better results for yourself over the course of 2023.

This is one of our best creations yet and we cant wait to get it in you’re hands in just a few short weeks.

The Wheel of Life is a flexible coaching tool that offers a 360-degree view of your current life situation. It quickly identifies areas of imbalance and helps you to create goals and set priorities based on your life vision. This means to know what you want in life, and I mean really know.

What makes your heart sing?

The Wheel of Life is powerful because it gives you a vivid visual representation of the way your life is currently, compared with the way you’d ideally like it to be. It is called the “Wheel of Life” because each area of your life is mapped on a circle, like the spoke of a wheel.

At LYBL we theme our months to ensure that no area of our life ends up in the unconscious living pile.

Bringing our entire existence into conscious awareness.

By theming our months we focus on the following areas of our life as we believe they factor in all of the categories listed on the previous page allowing us a moment to stop, to pause, to reset & relaunch ourselves as part of our own evolution.

Some areas of our lives, tend to have more time devoted to them, so as you move through this Planner you will see that some of them double up so you can be sure to not leave anything to too much chance.

We also theme these based on global events and key areas of focus that traditionally we may have engrained as part of our many cultures or societal ways of life because we find that these then don’t rely on intuition alone, we factor in an element of logic which helps our mind to find it’s rhythm, in alignment with our soul.

Each month you have a chance to re-assess your own best life living formula and the impact you are creating in the world for your lifetime.

We’ve provided insights, writings, tools and resources to assist you along the way.

Enjoy the journey and remember you and your life matter.

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